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Engine 9 Special Edition
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Root Beer Barrel Deodorant
Root Beer Barrel Hand- und Körperlotion
Root Beer Barrel Shampoo Bar
Root Beer Barrel Hair Care Kit
Winterland Bartöl
Bourbon Legend Bartbalsam
zzRodeo Man Bartöl
Smoth shaving with my shaving cream!
A very, very solid offering from Dapper. Captures the scent of the soap and somehow makes it better.
I'm late to the Lawman posse, but this beard oil is top notch. I love the sweet musky scent, my wife loves it, my dogs love it. Strangers love it.
I wasn't sure what to expect with this deodorant, but it's fantastic. Wife loves the crisp blueberry scent, mild and sweet!
I received a Lawman, Root Beer, Winterland and Traveller. I mean, it is one GREAT deal for some defects that are minor.