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5 Signs of Having Low Testosterone

Are you tired, achy, and sad all the time? You're not alone: low testosterone is a common condition that affects millions of men.

Symptoms include low libido, difficulty getting or maintaining an erection, muscle loss and reduced body hair and beard growth. But if those symptoms sound familiar to you (or if they sound like something else entirely), it's time to talk to your doctor.

Low libido

Low libido is one of the first signs of low testosterone, and it can be a painful experience for men. If you're suffering from low libido, it may seem like nothing can get your motor running. You might have difficulty achieving an erection and feel fatigued after sex (or maybe even during). Low libido also makes it more difficult for you to fall asleep at night--and when you do finally drift off into dreamland, those dreams will likely be filled with depression-inducing visions of a life without sex.

Difficulty getting or maintaining an erection

If you're having trouble getting or maintaining an erection, it could mean that something's wrong with your testosterone levels. But what is an erection? And how do we know if we have one?

Erections are caused by increased blood flow to the penis, which causes the spongy tissue inside to expand and harden. There are three main types of erectile dysfunction (ED): organic ED, psychogenic ED (when a psychological issue is causing the problem), or mixed type ED where both organic and psychogenic factors contribute to the issue.

In order for an erection to occur:

  • The brain sends signals through nerves in your spinal cord and brainstem; these signals travel along nerve pathways until they reach nerves on either side of each corpora cavernosa (those spongey chambers I mentioned earlier)

  • These nerves release nitric oxide into those chambers; this causes muscles around them to relax so more blood can enter them

Blood fills the chambers, making them expand and harden; this is what causes an erection As you can see, there are a lot of factors that need to be working together for erections. If one of those elements isn’t working right—like if your testosterone levels are low—you may have trouble getting or maintaining an erection.

If you're interested in taking medication, there are several options available that can help improve erections. The most popular option is Viagra, but Levitra and Cialis are also effective medications for treating ED. If you'd rather avoid prescriptions altogether, there are plenty of over-the-counter products designed specifically for improving sexual performance including Natural Male Enhancement Pills like Progentra or VigRX Plus which contain natural ingredients proven to boost stamina and libido without causing any side effects--or embarrassing moments at the pharmacy counter!


Muscle loss

Muscle loss is one of the most common side effects of low testosterone. The good news is that it's also one of the easiest to prevent and fix. If you want to build muscle, there are a few things you can do:

  • Lift heavy weights. Lifting heavy weights helps your body use more calories and grow muscle faster than if you were lifting lighter weights or doing high reps with little weight in order to burn fat faster.

  • Eat enough protein every day (1 gram per pound). Your body needs protein in order for its muscles to get stronger--and when they're not getting enough, they'll weaken over time until they eventually atrophy away completely if nothing changes!


Reduced body hair and beard growth

Low testosterone can cause hair loss, thinning hair, and baldness, especially in men who start losing their hair early in life (before age 30).

A receding hairline, or "male pattern baldness," is another symptom of low T levels in men who have inherited it from their fathers or grandfathers--or both! This is because high-testosterone levels help keep your locks at bay by stimulating growth at the base of your scalp where they're supposed to be thickest, while low-T leaves them vulnerable to male pattern baldness and other forms of alopecia including alopecia areata (a condition where patches of skin lose their pigmentation) or alopecia totalis (which affects everything except for eyelashes).

If you have any of these symptoms, talk to your doctor.

  • Fatigue and lack of energy

  • Low sex drive or erectile dysfunction

  • Low mood or depression


Having low testosterone is frustrating and embarrassing, but the good news is, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!  Talk to your doctor or medical professional and learn what you can do to get your body back on track.

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