November is a great time of the year. Christmas is a month away, and Thanksgiving is always fun. However, it’s much more than just the start of the Holiday season, even if it seems like they unthaw Mariah Carey when the first leaf turns orange each year. Have you heard of Movember? It’s a noble thing that guys should get involved with.
What is Movember? Well, it’s essentially a charity that advocates for men’s health. It highlights both mental and physical health. Men commonly grow a mustache for the month in support of it. You have a great excuse to tell your wife why you are looking like a plumber trying to save a princess now, plus you are giving attention to a cause that many men need to hear about. Let’s take a closer look at what Movember is all about.
The ‘Stache
Ah, yes. The legendary mustache has donned the faces of iconic men since the dawn of time. As a symbol of masculinity, it has been styled in many ways. If you can’t grow one, that is okay. You are no less of a man. You can still participate by running 13 miles or hosting a fundraiser for the cause.
The main reason a mustache was chosen was for a visible representation. It shows us that men stand together, and we will fight for our own health. It’s also a great conversation starter and works particularly well if you are trying to be an extra in a western movie. The great thing about it is that military members can also participate since military regulations allow for mustaches.
You can ditch the itch of growing one with Dapper Yankee’s line of beard oils, butters, and balms. The cause is the thing to focus on, and hey, you might just decide to keep it afterwards.
The C-Word
Guys, this is never an easy thing to speak about. Cancer sucks. I know it’s a touchy subject, but we need to look at our health. It’s essential for us to stay around longer to look after our families.
Regular checkups to scan your prostate and testicles are very important. These are diseases are both only found in men. Yes, they are not fun, but feel free to treat yourself to an ice cream or a new soap as a reward. It’s not as uncomfortable as the disease, so the pain pales in comparison to the risk of not doing it.
Doctor’s visits aren’t as exciting as a theme park, but just think about how many more adventures you can have with your family by getting checked. If nothing else, you get the peace of mind that you have a clean slate, and that is a reward within itself.
Mental Health
We don’t like to talk about mental health. We are supposed to be strong and shoulder the burden. Coming from an Army combat veteran, this is a load of crap. Mental health is even more important for us because we don’t have as many outlets. That stuff builds up inside and eats away like a plague. It really can ruin your quality of life.
There is nothing wrong with seeking help. On the battlefield, accepting a hand to get back up after you’ve fallen isn’t weak. It just means people are looking out for you. If you need help, seek it. If you think your friends will think you are weak for it, then start by changing your circle. You need people who have your 6, not haters.
There are many resources that you can seek. The best way to find them is through Google. Folks, we are losing far too many to this, and it’s preventable if only we start lifting other men up and genuinely caring for them.
The new word for taking your own life may not sound as ominous, but it’s the same eerie tune. On average, 12 men per day take their own life in the United States alone. Guys, 1 per day is far too many. We are losing fathers, sons, and brothers at an alarming rate.
It's absolutely pivotal to take anyone who threatens to harm themselves seriously. There is nothing wrong with them, and they are not weak. They are just overwhelmed and feel like there isn’t any other way out.
Men are 4 times as likely to do this over women. We feel the pressure of the world, to succeed, and to provide. Sometimes things don’t work out like we planned, but guys, it always gets better. There are plenty of free resources out there to help. If you or someone else is threatening to do such things, you can dial 988 and get to the National Suicide and Crisis hotline.
Movember is a great thing for men. It shows that we care about each other. I would like to challenge anyone reading this to message one man per day and encourage them. It could make the difference
in their life. Be a beacon of hope in this world, even if you are not a man, you can still help us put an end to losing our friends and neighbors.
For more information, go to and see what they are all about. The best time to start is now. Go “grow that mo” and let’s support men for the holiday season. You never know who you can save with only a kind word.
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